Wooden Chair
We all use chairs from the begning to the end of our life time.
A chair as i see it is a quit place to feel safe and comfortable.
We were given the assignment to design a generic chair.
A generic chair as we know it, is a body of four legs, a seat and a back rest.
I decided to keep the formula as is with a small twist.
My purpose was to design a chair that on first glance will look familiar.
I designed the back legs with an unusual angel.
The normal chair shape started to break.
The chair is a construction of twenty two parts.
All of the parts are attached by press with no screws or pins.
Because of the great strength that was needed the chair is made from Beech wood.
I wanted to use the strength of the fibers in the wood to intensify the strength of the chair.
Each part was cut with a different fiber angle so all the parts will support the load together.